Dave Wingerter is an aerospace engineer, a brand manager and vice president of HO Skis, and a pro water skier. He's been leading the Syndicate design Team for 10+ years, and has gracefully overseen some of the best water ski product designs of the past decade. Take a few min to listen to this in depth discussion between MB and DW.
Bob LaPoint, true life Hero that changed my life -
The year is 1987. The World has 2,700,000,000 less people than it does today, the Giants beat John Elway in the Super Bowl, Richard Branson makes the first Transatlantic flight in a Hot Air Balloon (2,790 miles) & Freddy Krueger is a serial killer....and a 3 event skier. I remember that Plane flight like it was last year though, because it was my first time in an Airplane. Scared, excited, and eagle eyeing out the window harder than anyone in history...there was soooo much to see!!!! And everything looked unlike anything I'd ever seen before....houses, roads, lakes, mountains....all the stuff I'd already become familiar with in my 8 years of life....but it all looked so different from up here. As we made our approach into West Palm Beach Int'l Airport, I remember looking out the window and pointing to the trees and asking my dad "DAD DAD, look at those trees!!!....they look like pine trees!!??...how is that possible??!" See, on the west coast, in my world, I had only ever seen pine trees in the mountains...where it snows. I knew Florida had neither of those things, so it blew my mind.
A couple days later, after my brother competed in his first U.S. Water Ski Nationals, my mind was about to be blown again. This particular year, 1987, was the first year the Nationals week would be capped by a US Open on the weekend. It was my second year skiing, and I knew all the names of the best in the World...but I'd never seen them ski anywhere other than ESPN (remember when water skiing was on ESPN?). The weekend didn't disappoint. As an 8 year old kid with stars in my eyes....I remember standing on the shoreline thinking, "These guys were INSANE!!!" Some guy no one had ever heard of, Jeff Rodgers, showed up and cranked the shit out of some 1,3,5's. I remember the rumor being that he'd just started skiing a few years before and ran the slalom course the first time he ever tried it. That, to my little pea-brain, was hard to fathom. And here he was already fighting to beat the best in the World. A West Coast legend, Carl Roberge, ended up tying for 2nd at that US Open, right before my eyes. In 1987 he was the defending Tour champion (5 years later Terry Winter and I were chasing Carl's Jr Boys Western Regional slalom record...3 @ 35 off). I had 2 hero's before getting to watch that US Open..Bob & Kris LaPoint. They were West Coast skiers, and legends around the World. In 1987 Bob LaPoint won the World Slalom Title at Thorpe Park, London (5th World Title) and won at Marine World and the MasterCraft invitational. And when I left Okeeheelee, after witnessing the greatest sporting event I'd ever witnessed, I had a new goal: I wanted to be out there someday, doing what those guys did. The US Open was the seed planted...it was everything I needed as a kid looking for something to hold onto..and it was a pivotal moment in my life..the moment that sparked everything that was to come.
Exactly 20 years later, in 2007, I found myself standing on the dock at the US Open, shoulder to shoulder with the best skiers in the World: Drew Ross, Thomas Moore, Nick Parson, Will Asher, Jamie Beauchesne. MasterCraft & Chris Sullivan had joined forces and pulled off one of the greatest water ski events I've ever been a part of. They brought the US Open to Disneyworld. It was at night, under the lights, and I was fortunate enough to make the 6 man final, squeaking in by beating out Jeff Rodgers..one of the Legends that inspired my ski bug 20 years prior. The conditions were pretty tough: dark, rolly, lumpy,...unpredictable,...just how I like it. The boat ran its simulation pass, I pooped in my pants a little...and it was time...
And somehow, when the spray settled that eve, I ended up in a Tie-breaker with my buddy Thomas Moore.
Going out first, I was able to run 38 off cold - not very pretty tho. Coming back at 39, I knew buoy 2 was going to be all or nothing...TMo could crush 39 on his second effort & I knew I had to leave it all out there. I think I got lucky,...I blacked out at 2, slammed it as hard as I could, and somehow my ski stayed in the water. I ended up running the pass, and finishing with 1 at 41. TMo looked so solid in that runoff. I'm not sure what happened at 39, but he was late at 3, and couldn't finish the pass.
Afterward, I was standing on the shoreline, bare feet in the wet florida grass, just like it was only 20 years before...gazing down the lake, lights half blinding me, thousands of people lining the waters edge...realizing that two decades prior and a couple hours away, I had been lucky enough to witness this very event, an experience that had changed my life. I stood there in disbelief that I had won the US Open....hoping that my buddies and I had actually inspired some kids that night....hoping that we had sparked a light for the next generation. - Marcus Brown
Benny Stadlbaur, who just tied teammate Nick Adams for 4th at the Moomba Masters in Australia, is one of a kind. He's funny, sometimes loud, and very analytical, yet when its all on the line, he can charge just as hard as anyone else in the world. This is yet another conversation between MB and a Syndicate team member, from the Syndicate testing summit at The Ridge in California last September.
To see what Benjamin's up to, take a peek at his insta and give him a follow: www.instagram.com/benystadlbaur
Matteo Luzzeri is professional water skier (Team Syndicate), tournament organizer (San Gervasio ProAm, Italy) and pretty much has his PhD in Sports Psychology...he's also got his own podcast: The Water Ski Podcast - http://www.thewaterskipodcast.com
This past September, MB sat down with Matteo in the Motorhome for this little chat.
Chris Parrish is a giant among giants. The Tower has won the Moomba Masters. He's won the Masters, twice. He's a 7 time national champion and a 4 time World Record Holder.
Ever since his debut as a pro skier at the 1996 nationals, in the open men slalom division, Parrish has been a consistent threat in the slalom course. His technique has been studied by anyone who cares to understand the way skiing works. He's got too many accomplishments to list. And his character, well....he is probably one of the most unique and genuine folks in the sport. Its hard not to like Chris Parrish....and this sit down chat with MB is Parrish at his best.
Hope you all enjoy!
Wade Cox was one of the most dominant water skiers in the history of the sport. He was the ProTour Champion in 1995 and 1996, 3-time Masters Champion, earned 47 Professional Slalom Titles, and was inducted into the Water Ski Hall of Fame in 2012.
To be honest, Wade inspired countless skiers throughout his years on the Pro Tour and on ESPN. The rivalry between Wade and Andy Mapple was unmatched....and unfortunately for the rest of the slalom skiers at the time, the two of these guys were almost unbeatable. Out of a run of 60 pro events, Andy won 29, Wade won 22, and the rest of the field only won 9.
It is our great honor to get to share this full interview with you. We hope you enjoy one of the greatest characters the sport has ever seen!
**This is the second in a 2 part episode...make sure to check out Part 1 here, if you haven't already: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9VQK08SgPY
Jenny LaBaw is a living Legend. As an athlete, she was a Collegiate Multi-Sport athlete, a CrossFit Games competitor (NorCal Champion and 6th at the CrossFit Games), and she ran 500 miles across Colorado in 30 days to raise $50,000+ for the @Epilepsy Foundation of America
Out of the competition circles, she has spent over 15 years as a Strength and Conditioning coach, and is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. As an athlete, a coach, and a health and wellness expert, Jenny is one of the most well rounded individuals in the business. Most of all, she cares...deeply...about helping people on their journey to become the best possible versions of themselves.
Marcus sat down with the one and only Jenny LaBaw in the Motorhome, for a long and varied discussion. This is the second half of that discussion.
Show Notes:
Jenny's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/jennylabaw
**This is the first in a 2 part episode...make sure to keep an eye open for Part 2!! Jenny LaBaw is a living Legend.
As an athlete, she was a Collegiate Multi-Sport athlete, a CrossFit Games competitor (NorCal Champion and 6th at the CrossFit Games), and she ran 500 miles across Colorado in 30 days to raise $50,000+ for the @Epilepsy Foundation of America . Out of the competition circles, she has spent over 15 years as a Strength and Conditioning coach, and is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. As an athlete, a coach, and a health and wellness expert, Jenny is one of the most well rounded individuals in the business. Most of all, she cares...deeply...about helping people on their journey to become the best possible versions of themselves.
Marcus sat down with the one and only Jenny LaBaw in the Motorhome, for a long and varied discussion. We are going to split the Interview into 2 parts, so this is Part 1, of 2.
Topics discussed:
Jenny's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/jennylabaw
Well, it finally happened....the elusive Mr BallOfSpray (John Horton), finally sat down with MB for a 1 on 1 talk. We are stoked to get to share it with you all!
Stephen Neveu could be one of the tallest pro water skiers to ever grace the slalom course....he's also Canadian...
He sat down with MB at the California ProAm in the Motorhome for a few minutes.
This past September, at the CaliPro Am, Terry Winter joined MB in the motorhome right after running 2 @ 41 off to take the final spot into the sunday finals. Take a listen, subscribe, share, and let us know what else you want to hear!
Between rounds at the 2019 California ProAm, MB got to sit down with Matteo Luzzeri for a few. Unfortunately, the camera on Matteo ran out of battery, so we filled in the last few minutes with some 2018 HO Skis film footage of Matteo, for all you visual people out there...
Will Asher just won the Malibu Open last weekend, in unbelievable style....beating Nate Smith in a head to head match up, by running potentially one of the best 41 off passes in history...when it counted.
Here's a sit down between MB and Willy, in the motorhome, from last weekend at the California ProAm.
At the 2019 California ProAm, at Diablo Shores, MB got to sit down with World Champ Freddie Winter, from Great Britain.
Matteo is back, dropping in on us from Italy, the night before he leaves for the Mediterranean Games on the Mediterranean Sea this weekend. It was nearly midnight when we started recording, so we tried to keep this one short and sweet. Topics covered in this episode:
Mental Preparation:
-Matteo discusses 3 simple tips/tools that you can implement today, to improve your consistency and overall performance
New Skill Development:
-Matteo discusses some of the hurdles skiers encounter when trying to improve their skiing, as well as one simple approach that can help you get over whatever hurdle you may be currently facing.
Personal Success:
-Being a student, and ranked top 5 in the world as an overall athlete (slalom/trick/jump combined), The Professor shares his secret for success on the water when time demands are at their limit.
San Gervasio ProAm, July 6-8:
-Matteo talks about his upcoming ProAm in Italy, already in its 5th year, and some of the reasons for taking on such a challenge as well as what you can expect from the event this year. For more on the upcoming event, and for the live webcast during the event, check his website at: http://www.sangervasioproam.com
I get to hang with Dave Wingerter, HO Skis Vice President, as he works through the questions brought to him by you guys, via Ball of Spray.
Sam Avaiusini is the point man at HO Skis, and is a guy with a lot of passion and drive. He and his wife just spent the last few days with me here at the Ridge, and I figured we should stick him in front of the camera for a few minutes.
ALSO, I'm heading to Collegiate Nationals this weekend at Bennetts, in Zachary Louisiana, so keep an eye out for that action...not sure when or where, but its coming....to a FlowPoint TV Episode near you...
Just a quick Q and A this week as I answer a few of the email questions I've been getting.
Technical Topics Discussed:
-Hip Mobility
-Upper/Lower body separation
-Open or Closed to the Boat
-Lead Arm or Trailing Arm tension
John Horton and MB sit down after the CaliProAm in Sacramento California, to discuss his new ProStar (Bumblebee), and other things water skiing.
Then Horton turns the tables and has some questions for Marcus
Not gonna tell you anymore...you just gotta hit play and take a listen!
MB decided to catch up with a few of the athletes after the California ProAm wrapped up last sunday in Sacramento.
Take a look/listen for:
-Nate Smith
-Terry Winter
-Stephen Neveu
-Joel Howley
-Chris Parish
-Zack Worden
-Fred Halt
-Ben Stadlbaur
Hope ya'll enjoy!
Just a quick podcast from the road to the US Water Ski Nationals. Listen in for some quick tips and a bit of homework! Thanks!
This Bob Marley is not who you think he is. He's not Jamaican, he doesn't have dreads, and he's an avid water skier. He and his boys wake up at 6:30 am, cut glass all morning, and then talk about it the rest of the day....only to fall asleep and dream about doing it all over again.
Yeah sure, he still does comedy....and he's shared the stage with all the big names: Dane Cook, Louis CK, Chapelle, etc... But on this particular afternoon, in the corner of the airport in Portland Maine, Bob took a second to share his perspective on the water ski world.
You're not going to wanna miss this.
Matteo Luzzeri, joins me live from Spain! We discuss his San Gervasio ProAm, which took place this past weekend for the 4th year in a row.
We also talk about beginning level skiers and some of the important tips for skiers getting started, as well as answering some questions from viewers.
Also, Olympics and Water Skiing, as well as teens being badass skiers/athletes and things they may need to pay attention to as they become the best in the world.
Can't remember what else we talked about, so maybe quit reading and just go have a listen??...
Jaimee Bull is one of the most promising new skiers on the horizon. I don't say that lightly. Yes, she is the current Jr Masters Slalom Champion, and yes, she does hold the Canadian Jr National Record with 3 @ 39.5 off (10.75m). And yes, she is just barely 17 yrs old.
However, I use the word promising for a different reason than you would think. What impresses me is that she doesn't think, act or react like a 17 yr old with a lot of talent. She is humble, grateful, dedicated, passionate, smart....basically she is a role model. She is exactly what we would hope a great skier would be.
I have been working with her on ski technique/coaching since March, and will tell you that she has a bright future ahead of her. Not because she is a so good on a water ski, but because she is already so good at life. She pays attention, and she pays respect..
So even though this was just a quick podcast this week, I want you all to pay attention, and take notes....I will have Jaimee back on again, and I would like you all to send me questions you'd like her to answer.
Enjoy this one, and also let me know who else you'd like to see on here as a guest.
Thanks for tuning in!!
Undoubtedly you have seen Tony Klarich before...probably riding a Coleman Cooler behind a boat...or front flipping a slalom ski. He has been thru it all....he was around for a majority of the significant innovations of the past 35 years in towed water sports:
-the invention of the kneeboard
-the invention of the tall pylon (skylon)
-the invention of hydrofoiling
-the emergence of hot dog skiing
The list goes on, and so does Tony...he's 52 and still crushing it on the water, on anything he can get his hands on.
Tony has also been a part of HO Skis for over 30 years, and claims the original HO Freeride is the best piece of fiberglass ever invented!
If you haven't seen the FlowPointTV episode we did with him a couple years ago, check it out HERE - "A Water Skiers Life"
And check out this podcast to hear what he's up to now, and some of the cool ideas he has for getting younger kids fired up about riding behind the boat!